Linked Beneficial Ownership data? Challenges and opportunities

Fazekas, M., Poltoratskaia, V., Vianello, M. and Trautvetter, C. (2023).  Linked Beneficial Ownership Data? Challenges and Opportunities. Network of Experts on Beneficial Ownership Transparency – NEBOT Policy Paper 6.  Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg

One of the most widely-accepted policy goals of beneficial ownership registers is to help tackle money laundering and financial crime. In order to further this goal, this paper first identifies types of data needed to track dark money and assesses how these can be combined with beneficial ownership information. Second, it offers practical examples where datalinking has been done, offering insights into both its benefits and technical challenges. Third, reflecting on the lessons from case studies, we also provide technical recommendations on how datalinking can be done better, and how it can be made easier. The research is based on a combination of literature review and primary data analysis of selected case studies.

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