Opentender – Jamaica

Opentender Jamaica


The Opentender portal of Jamaica compiles and visualises public procurement information in Jamaica. This portal is part of the ‘Curbing Corruption in Public Procurement’ project, that has developed a new methodology for identifying corruption risks in public procurement, funded by the Global Integrity Anti-Corruption Evidence (ACE) programme.

The Jamaican public procurement database published on the Opentender Jamaica portal includes contract-level observations on implemented contracts of public bodies nationwide. Procuring entities are required to report their contracts to the Office of the Contractor General (OCG) by Quarterly Contract Award (QCA) Reports since May 1, 2006. Effective July 1, 2012, it is mandatory to publish all contracts with a value of J$500001 or higher. The dataset published on Opentender Jamaica covers the period between 2006 and 2018. Source: